
Norway as testbed for health technology! By combining the experience and forces of the 3 health clusters, representing the entire value chain within health in Norway, we aim to realise this goal. Public private cooperation is key to make this successful.

To av lederne fra klyngeorganisasjonene, Lena Nymo Helli fra Norway Health Tech og Arild Kristensen fra HealthCatalyst og Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, og leder for Direktoratet for e-helse Mariann Hornnes under EHiN-konferansen 2022.


Direktoratet for e-helse og HealthCatalyst inngår avtale for å styrke samarbeidet mellom helse- og omsorgssektoren og leverandørene

Samarbeid mellom helse- og omsorgssektoren og helsenæringen er avgjørende for å øke gjennomføringskraften på e-helseområdet. Nå har HealthCatalyst og Direktoratet for e-helse inngått en avtale som skal styrke dette samarbeidet.

– Vi er glade for at Direktoratet for e-helse nå setter en struktur for å bringe næringslivstemmen inn i viktige beslutninger som ligger foran oss på e-helseområdet, sier Arild Kristensen, styreleder for HealthCatalyst.

Les mer om samarbeidet her.

Image by Martin Bogstrand, Vilje Bionics

Norwegian Smart Care Lab

When robotics creates better lives

Norwegian Smart Care Lab (NSCL) led a user test for Vilje Bionics in collaboration with I4Helse in Grimstad.

In this test, users were able to test the prototype of the motorized exoskeleton for people with impaired or lost motor function in the arms. The exoskeleton assists movement in the shoulder, elbow and rotation of the wrist.

– We learned a lot from this user test, not only from the users, but from how NSCL works with the users, and rigs a good and safe test scenario says Martin Bogstrand, CMO Vilje Bionics.

Read more about NSCLs test with Vilje Bionics here.


HealthCatalyst AS is owned by the three gold labelled NCE Health Clusters in Norway.


Our key contact persons for test and development.

  • Bent-Håkon Lauritzen

    Senior Advisor Market Development

    Bent-Håkon is a Senior Advisor and the Project Manager of Nordic Proof – a network of Nordic Test-beds providing innovators with structured access to leading Nordic health institutions and testing hubs in the Nordic countries which are committed to world class health services. He has a MSc in finance and administration and experience from 10 years as business advisor for health tech start ups and program manager for innovation projects within digital health.

  • Marit Hagland

    Head of NSCL

    Liaison for the Norwegian Node, responsible for coordinating the partners in Norway. Quality ensuring tests performed by the Norwegian Node, recruit relevant clinical environment for each company. Hagland has a background as MSc within Mechatronics and Product development, she has more than 20 years’ experience working with health start-ups. She is the founder and Manager for the Norwegian Smart Care Lab, helping digital health compagnies with testing. She is strongly connected within the health test environment in Norway.

  • Sergio Ferreira

    Senior Innovation Advisor

    Sergio is a Senior Innovation Advisor with 10+ years of EU project management experience, including the coordination of 2 cascade grant projects supporting over 300 companies with services to develop and validate their innovative solutions towards the Health market. Sergio is also the contact point for the Norwegian application for an EDIH on AI for Health, which got recently awarded funding from the European Commission.

  • Marine Jeanmougin

    Digital & EU advisor

    Building on a 10-year experience in cancer research, Marine is responsible for strengthening the national and international ecosystem, and for promoting new collaborations around EU funding opportunities. Her missions also include advising Oslo Cancer Cluster members on their strategy and supporting them in building their proposal and implementing their projects. Jeanmougin holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics and has worked as a researcher in various international institutions, including in France and Norway.

News & Stories

Read more about what is happening in the sphere around HealthCatalyst and our partners.

Norwegian Smart Care Lab

Norwegian Smart Care Lab (NSCL) is an international test center and Living Lab for welfare technology. - We help you test tomorrows welfare technology solutions.
Read more on HealthCatalyst

When Robotics Creates Better Lives

Norwegian Smart Care Lab (NSCL) led a user test for Vilje Bionics in collaboration with I4Helse in Grimstad.
Read more on HealthCatalyst

HealthCatalyst AS

Our aim is to build a leading global test and innovation center, developing Norway’s position as a unique test site for future health technology and services.
Read more on HealthCatalyst

NorTrials Medisinsk utstyr og HealthCatalyst inngår avtale

NorTrials Medisinsk utstyr har inngått en samarbeidsavtale med HealthCatalyst AS for å utvikle Norge som testnasjon for helseteknologi.
Read more on HealthCatalyst